Tivusat Oscam Configuration 2024


If you’re looking to configure your Tivusat smart card with Oscam, you’ve come to the right place. Oscam is a powerful and flexible software that allows you to decrypt and view encrypted satellite channels. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to configure Oscam for Tivusat.

1. Install Oscam: Start by downloading and installing Oscam on your device. You can find the latest version of Oscam on their official website.

2. Configuration Files: Once Oscam is installed, you’ll need to configure the necessary files. The main configuration file is called “oscam.conf” and is located in the Oscam installation directory. Open this file in a text editor.

3. Tivusat Configuration: In the “oscam.conf” file, you’ll need to add the necessary configuration for Tivusat. Look for the section that starts with “[reader]” and add the following lines:

– device = /dev/ttyUSB0 (replace with the correct device path)
– caid = 183D
– detect = cd
– mhz = 368
– cardmhz = 368
– group = 1
– emmcache = 1,3,2
– blockemm-unknown = 1
– blockemm-u = 1
– blockemm-s = 1
– blockemm-g = 1

4. Save the Configuration: Once you’ve added the Tivusat configuration, save the “oscam.conf” file.

5. Start Oscam: Now, you can start Oscam and check if the Tivusat configuration is working correctly. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the Oscam installation directory. Run the command “oscam” to start Oscam.

6. Test the Configuration: To test if the Tivusat configuration is working, you can try accessing a Tivusat channel on your satellite receiver. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to view the channel without any issues.

That’s it! You have successfully configured Oscam for Tivusat. Remember to keep your Oscam installation and configuration files up to date for optimal performance. Enjoy watching your favorite Tivusat channels!


Best Cccam Oscam 2024 in Europe.

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